The landing page is the first thing a user sees after clicking your ad, so it plays a huge role in conversion rates and customer lifetime value. I’m going to talk you through a few simple fixes I think work great for improving user experience on your website.
But before we dive into the technical stuff, its really important to identify your target market for this landing page. What is the age bracket? Is it geared towards men or women? Answering these questions will help you tailor your landing page and user experience for that specific audience.
1) Site Loading Speed
This is a pretty obvious factor but you’d be surprised as to the amount of companies that forget to check the loading speed of their landing pages. With Google preaching the significance of site speed and users’ attention span shortening by the day, a one second difference in load time could be what causes a use to click off your page before it has even loaded completely.
There is a number of tools out their now to check your speed. I use Google Speed Tool and AdWords’ new site speed feature, which I discussed in a previous blog post.
2) Less Is MoreIn Most Cases
A landing page’s design should be clear and minimal in order to avoid any confusion among visitors. An appealing and simple design may lead to more conversions than an overstuffed page, especially if it manages to serve its general purpose.
3) Put Yourself in the users Shoes
In order to optimize your landing page, you need to think like the user. Ask yourself questions like:
Is this page communicating my main message?
Is it easy for to users purchase products on this page?
Can you easily sign up to the offered services?
I would also recommend working with user experience software such as Hot Jar. These tools allow you to see how a user interacts with your website and can help you make decisions like where to place “add to cart” buttons or email sign up button.
4) Ask For As Little Information As Possible
Whether it’s a sign-up field, newsletter subscription, or path to purchase, it is crucial to ask for only the right amount of information. Asking for too much information just leads to dissatisfied users and incomplete conversions. You want to make the conversion process as smooth as possible.
5) Create A Strong Call To Action
A call to action is your one chance to catch the user’s attention in the first initial few seconds of being on your page. State your message in the most appealing way, both aesthetically and functionally. It’s not always easy to achieve these two characteristics without the proper testing beforehand, so be sure to run A/B tests.
6) Use The Right Visuals That Support The Landing Page
Visual content can significantly enhance the appeal of a landing page, provided that it’s meaningful and is supported by the right text. Personally, I love small video clips in the background I think they work better than static stock images. This also depends on your goal and CTA for the page.
7) Remove Navigation
There’s no need to include a navigation bar, at least not if you’re trying to turn the visitor into a client or sell a product. The aim is to keep the user on your page.
8) Solve A Problem Or Explain How It Works
Users that visit your landing page to learn more about your services or products won’t last long if you don’t convince them of the actual value of your product or service.